My Favorite Women of Color Bloggers / Part 1
Photography via Sherida
Western media is saturated with white faces and the blogging world is no exception.
Now wait a minute, I am not saying it is a bad thing to be a white blogger. By all means, no matter your background, draft your posts and snap your photos and publish those sponsored articles ‘till your fingers callus. I’ll probably read your blog no matter what (unless it’s Breitbart).
However, diverse representation in media—including online—is significant. Representation promotes inclusivity, ownership, visibility & confidence, and more for minority populations/identities. Blogs are not separate from this idea.
What I struggle with is not the amount of white, Western bloggers, but the difficulty of discovering said content creators of colors. I have spent hours crawling the internet for such media—and I cannot imagine I am the only one.
That is why I have chosen to share with you a list of some of my all time favorite bloggers of color. Over the years, my list has become a bit long. Therefor, I have decided to break it up in to parts, featuring three bloggers in each post.
Hope you enjoy part 1.
Freddie Harrel
I visit Freddie Harrel when I need a dose of positivity. The creator, Frédérique Harrel, is an upbeat woman with a stunning smile, killer hair, and an entrepreneurial spirit (she launched her own protective styling business last year).
Her posts are primarily fashion based, so if style is your thing Freddie is your lady. I cannot even comprehend how she puts her outfits together. She pairs contrasting, vibrant colors together to make cohesive, adorable looks—I literally stick to black/white/grey because inject color in to my wardrobe is too complicated for me. I am forever in awe of her styling prowess.
Best places to start
// Olivia Pope, Life Lessons & Big Hair No Care if you want a pep talk and some life lessons straight from a female entrepreneur.
// My Inner-Boss-Lady-on-the-Delivery if you want to know how to mix a comfy jumpsuit with a classy button-up (I do not understand how she made these two articles look so fly together, if I came up with this outfit I’d look so dumb. Freddie is fly af’).
Love from Berlin
Love from Berlin is a new blog for me. When I first started reading, Rae, the founder, drew me in with her phenomenal writing. She balances eloquence, personality, and sincerity throughout all of her posts (her writing on love is easily one of my favorite posts of 2016).
Recently, Rae has deviated from a standard blog formula and turned her site in to a blogazine (essentially an online magazine). Find everything from recipes to fashion to art + culture on her blog. Not to mention, the current blogazine team is comprised of all women. #ladyboss
Best places to start:
// Redefining impulses - 7 tips for artists in 2017 if you want to be re-inspired.
// The Daily Dose if you want to get a better idea of what to expect in the monthly blogazine installments.
Sheridadaily is run by Sherida (surprise surprise). She is a graphic designer and illustrator with an eye for color and composition. Her posts are uniquely formatted, feature simple yet gorgeous photography, and her writing is concise yet engaging.
What I appreciate most about Sherida’s writing is that her posts are not click bait oriented. No, “You’ll never believe what she did with…” or “8 Reasons you should.” She puts a lot of time and energy in to her writing and it shows.
*Best places to start*
// Triumph Over Trials if you need some love, some honesty, some restoration, some support, and some inspiration.
// Getting Excited About Design Again if you’re a designer in need of a little inspo.
Stay tuned for future installments.
Also, have other bloggers to recommend? Tell me in the comments below.
- G R A C E