Friday Finds #001
If you have been following this blog for quite a while, you may remember a “weekly round-up” series I tried to start, yet abandoned quickly. I did not love the format of the posts, the length, the imagery, etc.
That being said, I have decided to try a simplified method for sharing weekly links. Similar to Erin Boyle’s “My Week in Objects,” over at Reading My Tea Leaves, or Oliva’s “Sunday Duvet Reading,” series on What Olivia Did, I plan to share a few snippets of the week at hand and articles/blog posts/podcasts/etc.
This post format is very loose at the moment, so I am open to any and all ideas. The goal is to present additional readings or content that is not complex and therefor a bit bite sized. I am sure that, over time, Friday Finds may morph into a new shape entirely, but I’d like your help to mold the content. Let me know if you have any suggestions by commenting below.
Friday Finds
+ Kesha’s “Praying” - I have been listening to this song nonstop this week and impulsively thrust the single on to anyone near. I do not like Kesha’s music, but I love “Praying.” It is empowering beyond measure. Yes, I know she did not write the song, and yes, I know the music video is weird as all hell. But that does not diminish the track’s power.
+ Christina Kwiek's handwritten typography and gorgeous bedroom
+ This article for a cheaper shopping trip and healthy meal options - “How to Make a Week’s Worth of Vegan Meals for Under $30 from Trader Joe’s”
+ Jump rope exercises for cardio
+ This bride’s Solange inspired wedding
+ Micellar water - trust me, this stuff is so amazing I am going to dedicate a whole blog post to it in the near future.
+ Spicey’s resignation (also what the hell is happening in the White House right now?)
Did you find anything interesting on the web this week?