4 podcasts you should subscribe to right now (in fiction)

As most of you know, I am an avid podcast listener. It is fair to say I consume more podcasts than I do television, movies, and music combined. That being said, I hoped that my "podcast" post would be nice and concise. Yet it turns out I’m too passionate about such a large variety of work that I could not limit my favorite podcasts to just one article. So, to make things easy, I’ve broken up my favorites by genre for a miniature blog series. This week, fictional audio tales.

This quarter we focus on creating movement in our lives. If you feel stuck in a rut or listless, this month, and the posts to follow, are dedicated to you. It’s time to create some fluidity in our lives.
Always wanted to start bullet journal but didn’t know where to begin? Well I’ve got you covered. Behold a bullet journal starter kit that you can win for free! You’ll get a dot journal, pens, washi tape, and more. Looks like this giveaway has your name written all over it. ;)
A list of great gifts for your geeky partner this holiday season! Do they love Rick and Morty? Maybe video games? Or perhaps just all things “nerd” in pop-culture? You are bound to find the gift to suit their wants and needs in this handy list.
Rather than gifting the classic family-photograph-in-a-store-bought-frame to your grandparent this holiday season, why not try one of these modern, sure-to-please gifts? These gift ideas celebrate family clan as much as they do your the gift recipient.
The holidays are just around the corner so it’s time to consider gifts. Here’s a handy holiday gift guide for everyone in your life, from grandparents to partners to kiddos to psuedo-family members who aren’t technically blood…but are close enough. Skip the drab and gag gifts by giving something that matters and is sure please any recipient; we’ve got the gift guides to make it happen.
No matter how fun Thanksgiving may be, being surrounded by your loud family for 12+ hours is always chaotic and draining. Enter, retail therapy. I am not ashamed to admit that Black Friday/Cyber Monday is my "Treat Yo' Self" weekend and it should be yours, too! Here’s a list of killer sales and perfect treats for you and you alone ;)
You are probably aware of Thanksgiving’s problematic history (the root of which is Native American oppression) and may feel a sense of discomfort when celebrating the holiday. But this year you don’t have to swallow your shame with wine and turkey—you can acknowledge Thanksgiving’s troubling history while participating in your family traditions. I’ve shared six ways to do so, a few including alternative holidays for you and yours.
After you fill out your ballot, be sure to take mobilize those close to you to vote as well! Here are six simple steps on how to do so.
It is time to build the tools, fortify the armor, and craft the methods you need to attack your goals head on. The Keen Kind is focusing on work-life balance, introspection, passions turning into careers, happiness over monotony, success stories from others, and more. Together let’s wrestle down our responsibilities, needs, and wants, and rearrange them to get the most out of our days.
All of the best deals on clothing, houseware, and beauty supplies during 2019’s Black Friday Weekend/Cyber Monday.